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Waiting for AIRPA IV, second meeting - 19 Dec. 2020

Dear colleagues,

We hope you are all well and safe. We are pleased to share with you an announcement of Anna Santucci, member of the AIPMA committee and organizer of the next conference of the Italian association for ancient wall painting (AIRPA):

We are pleased to invite you to the second online meeting of 'Aspettando AIRPA IV' which will be held on 19 December 2020 starting at 11.00 (GMT + 1.00, Rome time).

The program is the following:


Maria Elisa Micheli (Director of the Humanities Department, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Irene Bragantini (President of the Associazione Italiana Ricerche Pittura Antica)

Book presentations:

Maria Fernanda Ferrini, Chromata (ΧΡΩΜΑΤΑ). Lessico dei termini greci di colore, I: alpha, Macerata, EUM 2019. Presented by: Anna Santucci and Maria Grazia Fileni (Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo)

Alicia Fernández Diaz and Gonzalo Castillo Alcántara (edd.), La pintura romana en Hispania: del estudio de campo a su puesta en valor (Cartagena 25-27 Abril 2019), Murcia, EDITUM, 2020. Presented by: Antonella Coralini (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna)


Laura Cinquarla (Knowledge Network Manager - iGuzzini Illuminazione spa), Light is Back: la luce al servizio della pittura

You will find the details of the program (with the link to participate) on the news-events page of both the University of Urbino ( and AIRPA ( We are therefore waiting for you on Google Meet!

Best regards, Anna Santucci and the AIRPA Committee



Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique

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