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Publication of the XIV AIPMA Proceedings - Naples

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the proceedings of the XIVth AIPMA Conference:

"Pareti dipinte : dallo scavo alla valorizzazione : atti del XIV Congresso internazionale dell'Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (AIPMA), Napoli-Ercolano, 9-13 settembre 2019"

Edited by Antonella Coralini, Paolo Giulierini, Valeria Sampaolo, Francesco Sirano

Published with Quasar editor, Rome.

The book, in two volumes, is now available in a digital version in open access at this link:

The printed version will be out very soon. AIPMA members will benefit from a price discount as well as the authors, who will be contacted separately by the editors.

With our very best wishes,

The AIPMA Committee

Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique

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