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Call for Applications: Financial help with the publication of a PhD Thesis

Dear AIPMA Members,

We are happy to announce the opening of the first call for applications for a financial help with the publication of a PhD thesis (or equivalent), a project presented during our general assembly in Naples, 2019.

The application rules and modalities are explained here:


AIPMA Subvention Publication of Theses – Guidelines
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AIPMA subvention - application form ENG
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AIPMA Ayuda publicación de tesis ‐ Normativa
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AIPMA ayuda - formulario ESP
Télécharger PDF • 187KB

Français :

AIPMA Règlement subside publication de thèses
Télécharger PDF • 95KB
AIPMA formulaire subside publication thèses FR
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AIPMA Regolamento sostegno pubblicazione di tesi
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AIPMA sostegno - formulario IT
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AIPMA Publikationszuschuss - Hinweise
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AIPMA Bewerbungsformular DEU
Télécharger PDF • 544KB

The applications must be sent to the dedicated email adress before the 31st of January 2022. The results will be given before the 31st of May 2022.

If you have any question feel free to contact us.

With our best regards,

Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique

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