Web-conference announcement: AIRPA IV- Pittura, Luce, Colore (Urbino, 17-19 June 2021)
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to share with you the announcement of the upcoming conference of the Italian Association for Ancient Wall...

Conference announcement: The Alexandrovo Tomb: 20 Years Later
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to share with you the announcement of the international conference "The Alexandrovo Tomb: 20 years...

Update: AIRPA Conference in Urbino postponed to June 2021
Dear Colleagues, Hoping you are safe and healthy we share with you the anouncement that the next AIRPA Conference is cancelled but...

Call for Papers - AIPMA XIV (Napoli, 9-13 Sept. 2019)
Cari Colleghi, abbiamo il piacere di condividere con voi la call per il prossimo convegno della nostra Associazione (Napoli, 9-13...