The Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique (AIPMA) has been founded in Köln, on 1989, by a group of scholars from different countries. Its aim is to promote researches from both scientific and technical aspects, in the field of ancient wall painting, at the same time promoting cooperation between researchers, technicians and institutions The Association organizes, every 3 years, international meetings and publishes the proceedings. The Association also publishes a bibliographical Bulletin, called Apelles. At present, the Association has fellows from around 20 different countries.

A Purposes and domicile of the Association
1. AIPMA is an Association established under article 60, and following, of the Swiss Civil Code. Its domicile is with one of the Committee members.
2. AIPMA encourages and helps in co-ordinating technical and scientific research in the field of ancient mural painting.
3. It operates by:
establishing links among researchers, technicians and organisations;
publishing a periodical bulletin collecting in particular bibliographical data;
encouraging each country to create a committee putting together national specialists in ancient mural painting;
organising seminars and colloquia.
B Membership
4. The Committee admits members on the basis of written applications. Legal entities, public institutions and corporations can be admitted to collective membership.
5. The Committee can propose, and the Assembly can decide, to admit as honorary members individuals who have particularly deserved of the Association’s objectives.
6. The general Assembly determines the annual membership fee, which is not due by honorary members. Individuals can become lifetime members by paying the equivalent of twenty annual membership fees.
7. Membership lapses due to:
expulsion, declared by the Committee with the vote of two thirds of its members, because of non payment of the fee or for just cause. Members thus expelled may apply against the ruling to the general Assembly. A written application must, to this effect, be filed with the chairperson no longer than thirty days after the expulsion has been announced.
C Structure of the Association
8. The Association consists of:
1. The general Assembly
2. The Committee
3. The Auditors.
1. The general Assembly
9. The general Assembly holds ordinary meetings in connection with international colloquia, when summoned by the Committee, or upon written request of one fifth of the Association’s membership. The Committee can summon extraordinary meetings when it so deems, or upon request of one fifth of its membership. Assembly decisions are only valid when at least one fifth of membership attends.
10. Decisions can only be taken on matters included in the order of the day. Proposals for amendments to the Charter must be notified to members together with the order of the day of the extraordinary general Assembly.
11. The basic functions of the general Assembly are to:
elect a nine person Committee- including the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Bulletin editor- as well as the Auditors;
receive and decide upon approval of the Committee’s report on its conduct;
decide on the proposals by members of the Committee;
appoint honorary members.
12. All members have an equal vote which, the case being, can be delegated by letter of attorney. No member attending the meeting can receive more than two delegations by members. Rulings by the general Assembly require the approval of the majority of attendants. Votes are counted by show of hands or by secret ballot, as the Assembly decides. The general Assembly or the Committee may choose to vote by mail. The chairperson is entitled to vote; the chairperson’s vote is, when necessary, the casting vote.
2. The Committee
13. The Committee is composed of 9 members, elected for a three year term by the general Assembly. No single nationality can count more than three members. All members of the Committee are elected at the same time. Outgoing members are eligible for re-election for three mandates in a row, or after a three year break. The treasurer and the editor can be re-elected indefinitely.
14. The Committee runs the Association’s current affairs.
15. The Committee meets when necessary, upon summons by the chairperson or written request of one third of its members.
16. Valid decisions are taken by the majority of members attending the meeting. At least two thirds of members must attend the meeting.
17. In case of a vacancy ofa member during one administrative period, other Committee members can co-opt the replacement.
18. The signature is conferred upon the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Treasurer and the Secretary. In principle, dual signature is required for documents binding the Association, according to legal obligations in each country.
3. The Auditors
19. The general Assembly elects two auditors and one deputy-auditor for a three year term. Auditors shall examine the accounts of the Association and report thereupon to the general Assembly.
D Liquidation of the Association
20. The liquidation of the Association can only be decided by an extraordinary general Assembly, with a majority of three quarters of members attending the meeting.
21. In case of liquidation, items belonging to the Association are attributed to one or more associations having similarity of purpose.
This charter, approved by the initial general Assembly on 20th September 1989, enters into force immediately.
Cologne 20th September 1989
The Chairperson The Vice Chairperson
E. M. Moormann A. Barbet