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Execution, Conservation and Enhancement Techniques and Processes
organized by A. Fernández Díaz

Cartagena, Campus Mare Nostrum, 12-16 September 2022
The congress programme will be structured around five sessions. Proposals related to each of the themes will be accepted:
Session 1. Resource exploitation and production process dynamics
Proposals will be accepted relating to the extraction and trade of raw materials; analyses of the production and dissemination of pictorial and compositional motifs and schemes; execution techniques; and the identification of workshops.
Session 2. Contextualising the pictorial evidence: a transversal reading
Proposals will be accepted that address socio-economic, cultural, spatial, functional or symbolic aspects of an assemblage in relation to its material and temporal context. Included here are papers focusing on the analysis of decorative fashions, the symbolism of the elements, cultural contexts, transmission and abandonment of styles or the painting-material context relationship and its function.
Session 3. Recording, documentation, analysis and conservation of mural painting: a common code
Proposals that address the recording, documentation, analysis and conservation methods or techniques of painting –both in situ and in museum facilities– will be accepted for study and mise en valeur. This includes studies with diagnostic approaches to conservation and those that provide revisions or new methodological and terminological approaches.
Session 4. Communication and diffusion of mural painting in today's society
Papers will be accepted that address studies or new perspectives on the dissemination of ancient mural painting in various fields of research and in society in general, both in museum spaces and formal education. Aspects related to reproduction and falsification, experimental archaeology, researcher training or communication and dissemination strategies may be addressed.
Session 5. The past and present of ancient Roman painting
Papers will be accepted that address the study of recently discovered assemblages or re-readings of those already known.
Submission of Proposals
Selection results
Poster submission
Poster composition
Paper submission
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